Friday 10 April 2009

Kung Fu Panda

If you don't know who Susan Boyle is you will shortly. She's 48 and never been kissed. A friendly church worker with downy hair creeping over her un made up face. Bushy eyebrows, fuzzy hair and a nylon gold flecked dress your great grandmother would have been proud to wear. From a tiny village in Scotland she shuffled onto the stage drawing sniggers from the audience - that was until she opened her mouth. The single unemployed cat lover has an amazing voice. Following her rendition of I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables the audience gave her a standing ovation. For most of her life she has been overlooked by everyone (with the exception of her cat Pebbles). So when my northern Irish friend with the husky voice asked why there are no decent men around I thought of Sue. I'm not referring to her mannish looks. I'm also not suggesting ladies should let their eyebrows grow out of control and walk around with a nest of hair all day. And I'm certainly not about to set up campaign group lobbying for hairy women, but perhaps, myself included, we need to stop failing to notice people. Take Mr Muddy from the dating website. He may have be consigned to the proverbial scrap heap of potential husbands for having smaller proportions, but what if he's hilariously funny? It's a bit like swapping Bond for Kung Fu Panda. Set for an evening of Daniel Craig running about in a suit/impossibly tight shirt relatively unscathed as missiles explode all around him, I got a text message from my housemate. It read: "I went in for Bond and came out with Kung Fu Panda". "Never mind" I said, "It's meant to be funny". And it was.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura, I am loving your blog - I just happened to be lying in bed thinking about Mr Muddy and how I feel he was disappointed in the lack of ooomph when we finally met - after all those months of chit chat we were both disappointed for different reasons - perhaps I will start to like the fact that he's Kung Fu Panda - so wakening up and immediately scarmbling to read your blog this morning, plus the echo of Ma McGumphrey's words to me yesterday - "You know darlin' - your little sister wants to post you a cutting from a newspaper: it's all about how fashionable it is for a woman to have a smaller husband: look at Rod Stewart and Tom Cruise" - this is something that I have been pondering over. Am I thinking too much about height because that is simply the issue - I feel as though I am being a fickle creature with no depth - I wonder how Mr Muddy feels about that!!!
